Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Same Sex Marriage

Wow! This is crazy. I have never seen so many people so scared before. What are you scared of? Same sex couples? Really? In Wisconsin the marriage amendment has passed. This was brought about in order to rally the conservative voting block for the governor race, however the democratic incumbant has still won. Now I'm not going to say that the Gov. is someone worthy of voting for, I actually voted against him. However, why would this be something that people would be brought to the polls by? The amendment does nothing other than write prejudice into the state constitution and prevent elderly couples and commonlaw couples from recieving benefits from their partners. The same sex couples could not marry under state law before in Wisconsin, so in effect the prejudice being exploited is nothing new. Everyone who voted for this amendment should take a good look at themselves and ask why they are so afraid.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Rich's World

Rich's World
The funny thing about working late at night is that you hear the most interesting things. When there aren't crazy people around making you laugh, you must entertain yourself. I have turned to listening to conspiracy theories and aliens on Coast to Coast AM. This has been something that I usually just laugh at, but sometimes when I listen I get really mad at the extremest views that are held.
I am a christian. I follow in God's path. However, to me that means I have to seak the truth. So what is the truth? Does anyone really have that answer? I know that I certainly don't, but that means that I keep searching. The Da Vinci Code, is that the answer? I doubt it since it's just a novel published for entertainment. Does that mean it will lead me astray on my search for the truth? NO. It means that I read it and enjoy the story, or watch the movie for entertainment. However it does raise interesting questions. These questions we need to find our own answers for and not let the leaders of society and Christianity tell us what to believe. If you have a problem with The Da Vinci Code, make sure it is because you don't agree with what it tells you... and remember that it's just a story.