Thursday, March 15, 2007

Do you want Plan B or Plan C? The morning after pill dilema.

Ok, I'm totally all about women's rights and having access to the morning after pill. I believe that it will stop some unwanted pregnancies. I also believe that I should have no say in what a woman does to her own body. This issue trancends the debate on morals or ethics with the morning after pill.

I just had a lady, not the first one I might add, who came into the pharmacy asking for the morning after pill and said that she had already taken it earlier in the month and wanted to know if she could take it again this month. Ok, let's just take a little more responsibility please! It's $40 for the morning after pill, it just happens to also be $40 for just about every birth control pill, patch, insert... ect. Doesn't it just make logical sense to go on some form of birth control? I guess I just have a problem with people being reckless with their bodies. The morning after pill is not side effect free... it's not tylenol or benadryl! You're playing with hormones here people! See a doctor, go to a clinic, get on the pill!!!
Ok, that's it.

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